.hummmmm..... who loves dirty cops?
Who loves cops that do not tell the truth?
Who loves cops that make false reports?
Who loves a cop that beats a confession out of you?
Who loves a cop that mauls down your neighbors kid at 3 in the morning, turns him into a vegetable, for the rest of his life?
Who loves a cop that don't have to drug testing after he mauls down some one or don't know the name of the town he's working in or his own name, often, during patrol.?
a) a fireman?
b) a mayor?
c) a village council member?
d) a cop?
e) all the above
f) none of the above
a, b, c, d, e or f?
Apparently this guy has no worry about being pulled over by a cop that is out of his mind (which reminds me, the mayors dad was shitting bricks, waiting for the day Baker would pull him over..... I guess those days are gone. To be clear, it was Wenrich that pulled me over and Hunter sitting right next to him for 2 hours, Both top state cops, riped out to their tree! Haas deputy commander? (who knows what cloud he was on) (the police report they managed to get out is all I need). These idiot's aught to have some one prof read the report before they give it out.
Hey, when you got 2 or 3 plumbers telling you it will cost $9,000 to open up your sewer line,
you know (and every else knows), that I usually charge regular price, even when a $9,000 price tag is offered me
you might like my honesty then? but your right, maybe I'm an asshole. so don't call me.
When a cop makes a police report, I expect it to be accurate. When a cop testifies on a witness stand, I expect it to be truthful.
When a cop pulls some one over, I would expect the cop to know the color car he pulled over, where he pulled me over, the name of the road he was on and the town he is in. All that good stuff.
I would not expect the police chief, fire chief, mayor, another mayor, another mayor, a couple village councils, judges, a couple law bars, the D.A.'s office, Attorney, the General office, every law professor, facultymember in Illinois and more, to think nothing of it,
which to me (a some what regular guy), suggests, this is a normal, acceptable behavior. by the ruling elite.
I say this, is a wrong acceptable behavior and they aught to beashamed of themselves.
I don't accept it, wikipedia don't accept it.
.Because, I am the only one in the village, state of Illinois and maybe, the country, that feels this way,
if this makes me a bigger asshole, then, I'm a bigger asshole.